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you don't belong

Writer's picture: Alexander Jones Johnson Alexander Jones Johnson

📷Hi, I’m Max and this is my story.

I don’t know how long I have been dead, it seems like an eternity. At first, I had my home to myself but then families came and went, sometimes I was alone, other times there were intruders, invaders, people I didn’t care for or about.

My full name is max porter, my home is a cottage sits on the edge of My woods with a nice little fishing lake next to it, in the county of Devon, I think, my memory isn’t as good as it was. But I love it here, to me, it's the best place in the world to be.

Mr. and Mrs. Richardson were in the middle of planning a funeral. The twin's lee and terry were running riot, as they were bored. They were at that age where it didn't take long to lose interest in everything. Dad, dad, dad says lee, what snaps peter, can we play out reply’s terry. Ok but don’t go far say’s their dad, we won't reply to the boys.

Just then the phone rings, hello say’s peter, can I speak to your wife please, say’s the caller. Peter shouted to jenny it’s for you. Jenny comes to the phone. Hello, she says, hello I’m your uncle Sam’s solicitor say’s the caller. I’m sorry to say he has passed away and has left you his cottage in Devon.

It started like any other day, I was just wondering around minding my own business when, these people, these intruders just turned up at my cottage, my home and started to empty the place. They started taking the old man's thing's out one by one. I knew he had died, I thought of him as a friend, but I wasn’t sure if he knew I was around or not. His family however never bothered to invite me to his funeral, not sure if it’s been yet or not.

Now, now! they are knocking walls with hammers and making weird noises. I think I heard one of them say it was called decorating, I wish they had asked. It’s so rude, them thinking they can do what they want.

It's moving day, it's moving day shouted lee and terry together. Jumping on their mum and dad's bed. Ok, say's peter that's enough, you're going to break the bed. Ok, we'll stop, the boy's said with one last jump. How are we getting to Devon from Liverpool ask's lee, just then jenny walks in? we are driving and following the removal’s van, I already told you that. Oh yeah, I forgot he answered. Terry asks, why are we moving anyway? So that we don't have to pay any more rent answers peter. Peter and jenny jump when the boy’s start shouting can we help, can we help, we want to help. Yes! yes! yes! shouted back peter and jenny.

Oh, bloody hell here we go again more people that I don’t want here. They never even asked me if they could live here, how cheeky is that! what's wrong with those boys? running around like headless chicken's or have they escaped monkeys from the zoo.

How many boxes do they need? well if they don’t try to take my bedroom, they can sleep where they please. HEY! HEY! That’s my bedroom, I said no one is allowed here.

No wonder the children are like cheeky animals, the parents are just as bad. They come into my home and just ignore everything I say, I feel like throwing something at them.

Oh man, I love this cottage says lee, are we going to be staying here forever and ever? yes yes yes staying here forever chant’s terry. So that’s what you guys want? are you sure?

ask’s jenny. Yes, yes yes, they both chants together. Peter comes in laughing, I think it has been decided then, hasn’t it? we’re staying here forever. (that’s what you think, think’s max to himself). it's jenny's turn to laugh now. Well, I'm glad you guy's love it so much, but what about your friend's? we will make new ones, say's terry. We are in the middle of nowhere counters jenny. Don't care, don't care, they chant again and again.

I have put up with this family for a while now, they are not taking the hint that I don’t want them here. I just want to be left alone. I feel restless with them here, I'm not sure why I think it's the energy coming from those children.

They are always running around and never sitting still, always shouting, I wish they would just go away.

I’m too old for this shit I think.

I can’t rest during the night, so I decided to get my own back on them by making loud banging noise’s.

I got bored with that, so I started searching the walls and making the doors move. They just ignored me. I can’t believe it!

Morning everyone says jenny, did you sleep ok. Peter look’s grumpy, no he says, didn't sleep a wink because of all that noise. What noise did she ask? All the banging and squeaking, it seemed like someone kept messing with doors and hitting the walls.

Sound’s like it was the boy’s having fun answers jenny.

Lee! terry! shout’s peter, the boys came downstairs, the morning they say.

We have something to ask you, say’s jenny, oh yeah answers terry what were you messing around last night, opening and closing doors and banging about? she asks, no they both say

That was fun getting that young boy's into trouble, even though you would have thought the parents would have been able to tell the difference.

Never mind my next plan is foolproof, there is no way they can blame the children for this next one.

If they do then, I don’t know, their stupid or something.

I will let you in on it, ok.

Here it goes, tonight I’m going to start running around, making funny little animal noises. There is no way they can blame anyone else but me for that one.

Mind you though if someone else did get the blame, it would be funny, wouldn’t it?

Peter says jenny, you look tired, did you not get enough sleep last night? No, he says, I kept hearing running and weird animal noises. I think we might have mice or even rats.

OH, mice say the boy’s, can we keep two as pets’ please? Maybe answers jenny if we find any. Peter nods but say's I will phone pest control, just in case its rats and not mice.

Can't we keep them as pets as well ask's terry and lee at the same time, no they are not as nice as mice and they are not as trainable replies jenny?

What can I do to make them realize it’s me doing this, and not something else?

Hang on what are those children doing now? Oh no they are heading to the lake, that’s a bad place, I can’t remember why, but I have a feeling something bad happened there once, but I can't why. Why are they going there? I wish they wouldn’t, I don’t like it at all, I wish their parents would stop them. No, they are not going to, oh well I think I will have to step in then.

Terry and lee are heading to the fishing lake, intending to go swimming. They love swimming and they are very good and strong swimmers. Terry turns to his brother Lee and say's this is going to be great fun. I know replies lee I love swimming.

What's that point's out terry, lee looks in the direction terry in pointing in to see what he was talking about, he sees a tall dark figure looming over the water and the boy's just stand and stare at it. But the can also see a white figure tackling the shadow figure, both falling into the depths of the lake.

The two boys run off screaming.

Well, that was unexpected, I think that shadow is what killed me, I remembered something when I tackled him.

I think that entity is pure evil, and it drowned me, long ago when I was still alive, that’s why I no longer near the lake.

But I wonder why it’s back now maybe it’s something to do with that family moving in or maybe it’s something else. I’m going to find out or die trying so to speak. So, for now, I shall leave the family alone and see if I can get answers from the woods.

The boys ran back into the cottage mum, dad, we think this place is haunted.

Jenny comes out of the kitchen what makes you think that? we saw a dark shadow hovering over the lake and then the next thing we know a white figure tackled it.

Well say's jenny, I don't know what to say to you boy's apart from you have a good imagination, just then peter walks in what were we talking about the ask’s, he then gets told, well they have a point. I have been hearing strange things during the night, maybe say’s jenny we will talk about getting people in later.

I have just come back from the wood’s and just found out the dark shadow is an evil spirit even older than me. It means to harm all that it meets.

Well so say the woodland spirit's, not sure how they know. I just hope that a young family gets some people in soon to investigate.

Not sure how long I have been gone, I hope everyone is ok. I hope that thing has not harmed anyone else as it did to me.

I’m sure they had the sense to stay away from it. if it has not followed then around, while I have been gone. I am starting to become fond of them.

Jenny and Peter are talking in the kitchen without the children, so are we going to hire a paranormal investigation team? Asked Peter, well I think we should, even though there is a harmless spirit here, I don't like the sound of that tall dark shadow figure, replies jenny, so it's decided then we will phone them later on when the twins are in school, they decided together, jenny also adds that they must not tell them because there is no way to tell how they will react.

Oh, good the paranormal investigators are here now, so time to tell my story.

Hopefully, they will pick up on that evil spirit and get them to go away.

Maybe I can get some help. I wonder if they will have devices that I can use, I do hope they use some sage, no more evil.

Jenny open’s the door to the paranormal group and gives them a cheery hello.

So, say’s the team leader, how long has this activity been going on for? we have noticed it as soon as we had finished moving in reply’s jenny.

How about the shadow figure, when was that first noticed? about two weeks ago jenny answers but it was our sons that saw it.

Ok, so we are going to set up equipment and see if we can catch anything and we have a medium arriving tomorrow.

Good, I'm going to mess with their equipment, I will start getting noticed.

I hope they can help me and this family.

I hope that they can banish this evil from this home once and for all.

No one deserves it being here and shouldn’t be allowed to be here ever.

I wonder what the medium is going to find out.

There is a knock on the door and jenny answers it.

Hello, says jenny, hello answers Rebeca, I’m the medium.

You don’t need to tell me anything, I want to find out for myself. That’s fine reply’s jenny, knock yourself out.

Rebeca smiles, I will let you know what I find out when I have finished.

Rebeca walks around the house on her own, touching walls, objects and door handles trying to get a reading off things. She can sense something but is unsure, she goes outside and finds herself moving towards the fishing lake.

She gets flashes from the past, she witnesses Max's death and even further back she sees how the evil had arrived in the first place.

Oh no no she says, I must tell them. She walks back with her head down.

Jenny lets Rebeca back into the house and they sit down in the kitchen together.

Rebeca explains that a white spirit is a man called max who was drowned in the fishing lake, which was caused by the dark shadow, which has been seen by the lake and their name, she says taking a deep breath is Zuzu who is extremely evil and once he has a hold on you, it will never let go.

What do we do about it? asks jenny, well reply's Rebeca we can ask max, we can give him choice's and whatever he chose's is what we do. After all, he did save your boy's and I bet he is fed up with never begin asked.

Right says jenny, when are we going to do this? tonight reply’s Rebeca, it will be best done tonight.

I can't wait, I never been given choices before. I'm looking forward to it, but I wonder what they are going to ask.

How will I respond?

I know this is going to be a brilliant idea. For my answers, I will move the kitchen chairs around, but they will love that.

Jenny and Rebeca stood in the kitchen together. Max are you here? asks Rebeca. max Moves a chair.

Would you like to move on to a better place? No answer. Would you like us to get rid of the other spirit? Maxi moves a you mind this family being here? No answer. Was it you that saved the children? MAx moves a chair.

Thank you says jenny.

Rebeca is chanting throughout the house with sage. Suddenly she stops.

She can sense something ahead, she sees Zuzu, he runs at her, grasps hold of her, flings her across the hallway.

Max tackles Zuzu pushing him to the ground. Zuzu struggles to get max off him.

Rebeca start’s the chanting again. Zuzu tries to push her down the stairs’ Ax catches her.

Then the floor starts to open, Zuzu pushes max towards the opening, max catches hold of Zuzu, they both wrestles. Zuzu has Max on the floor, right by the portal. Max gathers all his strength and puts his feet on Zuzu's stomach and pushes him over his own body into the portal.

As soon as this has happened Rebeca stops chanting and the portal closes.

The next morning Rebeca meets with Jenny and tells her that Zuzu has gone and won't be bothering them anymore, max is still here and is very happy for them to stay.

Jenny is relieved to hear this news and says they would have missed max if something had happened to him. But can you tell him to let us sleep, please?

Jenny calls for her two sons.

They come in.

Got something to tell you, oh yeah, they say. With a huge smile on her face, she tells them that max is staying and Zuzu has gone.

They look at each other, smiling and they start shouting, max is staying, max is staying.

Peter walks in and smiles, he turns to everyone and says, only if I say so, then adds because of the dirty looks, only joking.

The end


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